Encouraging Educational Excellence: Our Legacy for Learning

Scripture Focus: 2 Timothy 2:15
Study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed…”

The Scholarship Ministry of Second Baptist Church

The Scholarship Ministry administers scholarship funds provided through contributions from different sources such as church members, the Scholarship Ministry’s annual fundraiser, endowments, and public donations. Funds are granted to eligible high school graduates, continuing college students, and individuals seeking career development through education. The scholarships are awarded based on funding availability and per the scholarship guidelines. 

Horace Mann, a pioneer of American public schools in the 19th century, famously called education the “great equalizer of the conditions of men.”

History of the Scholarship Endowments

The idea for creating endowed scholarships for Second Baptist Church was conceived by the late Pastor Rev. Dr. Booker T. Hopkins and First Lady Georgia L. Hopkins. The concept was presented to the joint boards and congregation and overwhelmingly supported and approved in December 1986. In supporting the scholarship and endowment purposes, the first scholarship banquet was held in 1991 at the Radisson On-The-Lake Hotel and the first recipient was Andria Taylor.

Pastor Hopkins initially planned to create three endowments of $25,000 each at Eastern Michigan University, Washtenaw Community College, and Tennessee State University. A pledge program at the church represented the kick-off. The EMU endowment was successfully completed and named The B.T. Hopkins Endowed Scholarship.
With the WCC endowment nearly completed, God chose to call Rev. Hopkins to a new kingdom.

This endowment was subsequently completed and endowed at a $20,000 level. It was endowed in the name of B.T. and G.L. Hopkins/Second Baptist Church, Ypsilanti Scholarship. Because of Pastor Hopkins’ passing, the dream of an endowment at Tennessee State University was never realized.

Under new pastoral leadership, the Second Baptist Scholarship Committee was reactivated in December 2002. The ministry has faithfully labored under the chairmanship of Dr. James Hawkins, Vice Chair of the Trustee Ministry. With the support of the congregation and community, the Ministry has annually expanded the endowment principal to maximize scholarship revenue. Starting in the 2016-2017 academic year, the Scholarship Ministry proposed, and the membership supported the expansion of financial aid to eligible members attending non-endowed colleges, universities, and trade schools.

Since Pastor Waddles began his pastoral leadership of Second Baptist Church, he has been a strong steadfast supporter of Rev. Dr. Booker T. Hopkins, Sr.'s vision. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Scholarship Ministry could not host its annual Scholarship Banquet in person. As a solution, Pastor Waddles suggested we implement "Scholarship Sunday." This helped to support the scholarship fund throughout those challenging few years. Thanks to God's grace and mercy, we are once again hosting our annual Scholarship Banquet in person.


Eligible scholars may receive funding for attending endowed and non-endowed institutions of higher learning.

The Second Baptist Church Scholarship Application

All members of the Second Baptist Church of Ypsilanti who are planning to attend a college, university, or technical school and have a financial need. You are eligible to apply for a scholarship. To be considered for this opportunity, you MUST fill out the SBC Scholarship Application Form, which is available by clicking the link below, or you may obtain a copy of the application form from the church office. Please note that all applications must be submitted by the established deadline. If you are a high school student intending to graduate in May or June, kindly inform the Scholarship Ministry of your anticipated graduation via this email address: By doing so and meeting the eligibility criteria, you will be automatically considered as a recipient of the Second Baptist Church High School Award.

College and University Graduates

we would like to hear from you

If you are graduating this year or have received a special certification,  please complete the College Graduate and Special Accomplishments Form.

Scholarship Fundraising 

The Scholarship Ministry of the Second Baptist Church is primarily supported by gifts, donations from members and the public, and fundraising projects. The ministry's main fundraising initiative is an annual banquet held in June, called "An Afternoon or Evening of Celebrating Education: Encouraging Educational Excellence." During this event, we showcase students who will be pursuing their education at post-secondary institutions. We encourage personal donations to support the church's scholarship program, which are accepted at any time during the year.



New Date: August 10, 2024, 11-2 pm, Location: Weber's Inn,  Ann Arbor, MI


Together with the continued support of our great sponsors, we can make a difference in the lives of students seeking higher education.

You too can make a difference in the lives of students by becoming a sponsor.  


Bridget Johnson


Latitia Sharp


Dr. James Hawkins

Immediate Past Chairperson

Patricia Marks-Smith


Dr. Gail Strickland


Deacon Daniel James


Deacon Gregory Graham


Kathleen Copeland


Anita Johnson


Delores Argo


Ramona Milligan


We would love to hear from you. email us at:

Weber's inn, ann arbor, mi

New Date: Saturday, August 10, 2024
Hours: 11 am-2 pm